Wednesday, June 1, 2011

KeiKei has finally quit pacifier! Hurray!

KeiKei has finally quit pacifier! Hurray!

She has developed a rash around her mouth - it's been about 2 weeks or so I would say. We think it is from her pacifier, but it seems to get better, only to get worse again. The rash looks better in the morning, but seems to get worse throughout the day. So we decided to give it a try of letting her quits her pacifier.

What's the method of letting her quits her ‘pacifier attachment’? you may ask. Applying chili sauce onto the pacifier? Take a pair of scissors and in one clean snip took the end off of it??? Nah…Hubby and I feel that’s really a crude or cruel way as a quitting medium ha-ha-ha ....

We would just talk to her a lot and explain that she is a big girl and doesn't need it.. Use an older child as an example. Even a cartoon character, like Dora the Explorer and Little Einstein would work. You just have to say, "You don't see your cousin Jerome with a 'chutchut', do you? That's because he's a big boy. And you want to be a big girl don't you?" often works. Using a model can help them begin understanding comparisons earlier then say, preschool.

She cried for 'chutchut' that night. We reminded her how big of a girl she was starting to be and that I was proud that she was sleeping without a sucker just like me and daddy and a list of other personal heroes.

Since then she has not had a pacifier, she just talks and plays with her pillow and her imagination. A few times when she was really tired but Mommy and Daddy reminded her that she didn't need it and that was it...

Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 12:45pm

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